Fireplaces and stoves
Types of Outdoor Fireplaces In many homes, installing a standard fireplace is a big challenge.
History of the appearance of the material The date of birth of polyurethane foam can be confidently called 1937, when a small
Which brick to choose for masonry? Each section of the kiln uses its own brick. The biggest
Additives to clay for bricks Additives to clay for bricks To improve natural
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A metal fireplace is an excellent alternative to other heating devices. The fireplace can easily cope with the heating task
Biodiesel production at home. Technological scheme for biodiesel production. Making biodiesel with your own hands is enough
Definition of heat-resistant adhesive As the name implies, the product must withstand high temperatures. Manufacture
Stove-fireplaces for a summer residence - a stove and a fireplace installed on the same foundation, having one smoke
Basalt wool is designed primarily to serve as insulation and retain heat in winter in our